OCP- sex therapy lecture

What were the key takeaway points from the guest lecture today? 
This lecture was very interesting to me. While sex is still not an open topic for everyone, I find it liberating when we are able to have an open discussion about it. There are so many myths and fears people have about their bodies and sexual exploration. I learned things today that I never knew were actually normal.
For instance, men and women generally have different paths to reaching an orgasm. Usually a man can become aroused and then initiate sexual relations. Woman however usually need to be around through sexual relations. They most often initiate sex through a cognitive thought.
Another thing I enjoyed to hear is that we are more normal than we think. We don’t talk about sex so we think if it isn’t like the movies then we are doing something wrong. I think OT fits in well with sexual therapy because it teaches us to embrace the grey, and this lecture opened my eyes to the fact that sex is not as black and white as we are led to believe.

Describe two occupational therapy interventions based on the topic. 
  • Group therapy for women who have gone through mastectomies or hysterectomies
    • Many women can feel that they are no longer attractive or not “complete women” after undergoing these surgeries. Group therapy can help restore confidence as well as normalize their bodies. This group will help women take control of their sexuality and encourage them to not feel shame for their differences.
  • Individual sexual positioning training therapy for a person who has become paralyzed from the waist down.
    • This intervention may involve introducing a trapeze or grab bar to assist with positioning for sexual activity with the patients chosen partner(s)
    • If the patient feels comfortable they may even invite their partner to come to the session to work out logistics in a non-sexual manner. In order to work out the kinks before attempting during sex.


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